Public Lighting
If you work for a council or DNSP, you face higher barriers to claim incentives. Our experienced team will step up so you can receive more returns in less time.
We make sure you meet all required local and state government parameters.
You can then overcome cost constraints and bring forward the timing of your LED rollout.
NCBA is a market leader in the generation and provision of monetary incentives for streetlighting replacements across the Country. The NSW, Victorian and Federal Government Schemes all recognise the importance of reducing electricity consumption and carbon emissions that arise from the use of inefficient technology, and provide incentives for Councils and Distribution Network Service Providers (DNSPs) to replace these assets with LED technology. The monetary incentive can be used to overcome capital cost constraints and bring forward the timing of your LED rollout.
NCBA was active in the development and introduction of the NSW Public Lighting Method, Street, Tunnels, Roads and Public Lighting (STRP), reducing the many previous barriers to entry for Councils to access monetary returns. As a result, NCBA has now had over 50 NSW Councils nominate us to create certificates on their behalf, whether it be for spot replacements (due to fault or maintenance) or an Accelerated Replacement/Bulk Upgrade Program. NCBA is the largest ESC creator in NSW under the Public Lighting Method, generating over $1,500,000 in gross returns for our clients.
In Victoria, NCBA is facilitating the monetary incentive available for lighting upgrades in outdoor and public spaces, as well as street lighting, under the Victorian Non-Building Based (NBB) Lighting Method. NCBA is one of the few Accredited Persons (AP) who can generate the VEEC returns on both applicable NBB activities.
Our Offer
NCBA’s Public Lighting services have been developed specifically with Councils and DNSPs in mind, ensuring all required local and state government parameters are met. NCBA’s experienced Public Lighting team are fully versed on the various requirements and technical specifications in dealing with street lighting assets, and will ensure that you receive the greatest possible monetary return in the shortest timeframe.
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