Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)
Commercial Lighting ACCU's still available under NCBA's aggregation project.
You can still access the incentives from the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) for lighting upgrades in QLD, WA, SA, TAS, and NT.
With extensive experience in the field, NCBA creates ACCU’s (Australian Carbon Credit Units) on your behalf as an ERF Scheme Participant and ERF Commercial Lighting Project Holder. So, if you undertake commercial or public lighting upgrades, you may be eligible to receive financial subsidies and support in all different states of Australia.
Eligible projects may include:
Lighting upgrades;
Capture and destruction of coal mine fugitive emissions;
Reductions in emissions-intensity of transport; and
Commercial, industrial and aggregated energy efficiency.
Let us help you to access the ERF and unlock financial support for your individual projects. Do not waste any other day!
We help you access the ERF and unlock financial support for your individual projects.
The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) is a central component of the Federal Governments Direct Action Plan. Such incentives can be accessed for lighting upgrades in any part of Australia! Its primary goal is to reduce Australia’s Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions by 43% below our 2005 emissions by 2030. The government has invested $4.55 billion into the ERF and they will deliver another 100 million tonnes of emissions reductions by 2030.
Activities that meet the ERF requirements and result in real emission reductions are eligible to access the ERF and receive financial subsidies and support. Unlike the other state-based energy efficiency schemes, returns under this program are claimed and generated annually in arrears, for a maximum period of seven years.
NCBA will create ACCU’s (Australian Carbon Credit Units) on your behalf as an ERF Scheme Participant. We act as a central, third party aggregator on behalf of groups of clients wishing to obtain financial support for their individual projects. We offer end to end services from activity design through to compliance, ACCUs creation and monetisation.
Although the CFI Commercial and Public Lighting Methodology under the Emissions Reduction Fund has been revoked as of the 7th of April 2022 (today), NCBA can still add any Commercial or Public Lighting upgrade to our existing 2020 Project. Whilst the maximum crediting period of seven years is no longer available, NCBA will still be able to offer you years of abatement (depending on your installation date).
NCBA has successfully obtained a second active ‘Project’ with the Clean Energy Regulator (CER), which provides NCBA with the ability to claim energy savings at various sites across Australia.
Our Offer
National Carbon Bank of Australia will assist companies in participating in the ERF by managing eligible claims.
To simplify this complex process, NCBA:
Allows ERF funding of smaller projects that have individual emission reductions less than the 2,000 tonne minimum, by aggregating small projects into larger parcels;
Manages the returns for abatements achieved, year on year; and
Takes care of the ERF reporting and auditing requirements on your behalf.
Ready for the next step?
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